
Category Archive for "Posts by Aaravindha"

Enlightenment, Self Realization, and Spiritual Awakening

First let me begin by stating that these three are not the same. Spiritual awakening can occur in a vast number of ways. But initially, it is what takes place once you’ve come to realize that your life is...

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What is, and what must be!

The word abnegation is a psychological term used in place of denial to express a state in which a person is confronted with a circumstance that is too difficult to accept, and discards it, in its place asserting that...

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The Light that Clears the Path

Aum asato ma sad gamaya tamaso ma jyotir gamaya mrtyor ma amrtam gamaya Does this ancient Sanskrit prayer look at all familiar? This prayer extracted from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad quite possibly be memorable to anyone who may have attended an Eastern meditation retreat,...

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Akashic Record, or a Frozen Moment in Time?

People of the New Age mindset often speak of an “Akashic Record,” an ethereal realm in which everything that is or has ever been is logged. But, that concept isn’t entirely accurate. The Akasha is better understood as the ethereal realm...

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The Ura—The Spiritual Heart

A pragmatist might say that intuition is no more than a lucky guess, a feeling based on a pressing hope, a fear, or some other compelling emotion. But those who have mastered it know it to be something far...

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Adyatma’dhya — Meditation

Not so very long ago, Europe and the most of the West had very little understanding or knowledge about what meditation entails, or how to practice it correctly. But that’s seemingly all changing now; in the US alone almost 32...

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